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Treehouse Detectives is an animated television series produced by Saban Brands and ENPOP. The series premiered on Netflix on June 8, 2018 and follows the brother and sister detective team Toby and Teri as they “use the clues” and “follow the facts” to solve everything from backyard mysteries to the bigger puzzles of the natural world in their home forest of Acorn Springs. On May 1, 2018, Saban Brands sold Treehouse Detectives to Hasbro. Season 2 was released on November 9, 2018.


  • Jenna Davis as Teri (voiced by Jenna Davis)
  • Brody Allen as Toby (voiced by Brody Allen)
  • Philece Sampler as Rumy
  • Ryan Bartley as Jay
  • Leigh Kelly as Bean
  • Abby Trott as Millie


Season 1 (2018)[]

  1. The Case of the Buzzing Buddies / The Case of the Crazy Cup
  2. The Case of the Collapsing Castle / The Case of the Hurt Bird
  3. The Case of the Invisible Owl / The Case of the Flying Pig
  4. The Case of the Spooky Squeak / The Case of the Purple Pond
  5. The Case of the Talking Rock / The Case of the Readymade Rainbow
  6. The Case of the Missing Explorer / The Case of the Orphaned Egg
  7. The Case of the Lost Logs / The Case of the Super Squirrel
  8. The Case of the Floating Ghost / The Case of the Wise Eyes
  9. The Case of the Bountiful Berries / The Case of the Colorful Caterpillars
  10. The Case of the Counterfeit Chameleon / The Case of the Remarkable Rocks

Season 2 (2018)[]

  1. The Case of the Wandering Water / The Case of the Mysterious Melody
  2. The Case of the Suspicious Snowflakes / The Case of the Missing Instrument
  3. The Case of the Absent Acorns / The Case of the Slippery Sticks
  4. The Case of the Bashful Ball / The Case of the Pond Monster
  5. The Case of the Reckless Raven / The Case of the Friendly Oak
  6. The Case of the Tall Tail / The Case of the Shooting Star
  7. The Case of the Flying Fish / The Case of the Soggy Sculpture
  8. The Case of the Super Sled / The Case of the Snowy Coat
  9. The Case of the Clumsy Crane / The Case of the Snowy Secret
  10. The Case of the Homemade Holiday / The Case of the Deputy Detectives