The Hardy Boys is a mystery drama television series, based on The Hardy Boys book series created by Edward Stratemeyer. The show is produced by Nelvana and Lambur Productions. The first season was released on Hulu on December 4, 2020, and the second season was released on April 6, 2022. The third and final season was released on July 26, 2023.
The Hardy Boys follows two brothers, Frank and Joe Hardy, alongside their friends and father, trying to disclose the truth about something quite menacing happening right in their own town of Bridgeport.
Cast and characters[]
- Rohan Campbell as Frank Hardy
- Alexander Elliot as Joe Hardy
- James Tupper (season 1) and Anthony Lemke (seasons 2 & 3) as Fenton Hardy
- Keana Lyn Bastidas as Callie Shaw
- Linda Thorson as Gloria Estabrook
- Bea Santos as Aunt Trudy
- Adam Swain as Chet Morton
- Cristian Perri as Phil Cohen
- Atticus Mitchell as JB Cox
- Riley O'Donnell as Elizabeth "Biff" Hooper
- Jennifer Hsiung (season 1) and Alli Chung (seasons 2 & 3) as Jesse Hooper
- Krista Nazaire as Belinda Conrad (seasons 2 & 3)
- Sadie Munroe as Lucy Wayne (season 2)
- Leonidas Castrounis as Dennis Gilroy (season 2)
- Laara Sadiq as Kanika Khan (seasons 1 & 3)
- Ari Cohen as Hurd Sparewell (season 3)
- Bailee Madison as Drew "Darrow"/Sparewell (season 3)