Suits is an American legal drama television series created and written by Aaron Korsh. The series premiered on June 23, 2011, on the cable network USA, and is produced by Universal Cable. Suits is set at a fictional law firm in New York City. The focal point of the show follows talented college dropout Mike Ross (Patrick J. Adams), who initially works as a law associate for Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht), despite never actually having attended law school.The show focuses on Harvey and Mike managing to close cases while maintaining Mike's secret.
In August 2016, the series was renewed for a 16-episode seventh season, which premiered on July 12, 2017. On January 30, 2018, it was announced the series was renewed for an eighth season without series regulars, Patrick J. Adams or Meghan Markle, as well as Gina Torres, due to a planned spin-off in the works. The show was renewed for a 10-episode ninth and final season on January 23, 2019, which premiered on July 17, 2019.
- Gabriel Macht
- Rick Hoffman
- Sarah Rafferty
- Gina Torres
- Dulé Hill
- Katherine Heigl
- Patrick J. Adams
- Meghan Markle