Robot Chicken is an American stop motion sketch comedy television series, created and executive produced for Adult Swim by Seth Green and Matthew Senreich along with co-head writers Douglas Goldstein and Tom Root. The writers, especially Green, also provide many of the voices. Senreich, Goldstein, and Root were formerly writers for the popular action figure hobbyist magazine ToyFare. Robot Chicken has won an Annie Award and five Emmy Awards.
- Seth Green as Robot Chicken/Cluckerella/The Nerd/Alien
- Les Claypool voices The Mad Scientist
- Zachary Levi voices Mad Scientist's Son
- Katee Sackhoff voices Bitch Pudding
- George Lowe voices Unicorn
- Michael Ian Black voices Mo-Larr: Eternian Dentist
- Breckin Meyer voices MC Broccoli/Munson/Alien
- Donald Faison voices Gary the Stormtrooper
- Jamie Kaler voices Bloopers Host
- Michelle Trachtenberg voices Gummy Bear
- Adam Talbott voices Alien
- Mark Hamill voices Alien
- Patrick Pinney voices Alien
- Patrick Stewart voices Alien