Television Wiki

These are the list of the segments of Nick Jr. Face.

Picture Segment Description
Face Segments Butterfly
Segment Face and the Butterfly
Face Segments Counting Potatoes
Segment Face Counts Potatoes
Face Segments Drinking from Cup
Segment Face Drinks from His Cup
Face Segments Banana Eating Banana
Face Segments Banana Monkey
Segment Face Eats a Banana
Face Segments Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich
Segment Face Eats a Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich
Face Segments Spaghetti
Segment Face Eats Spaghetti
Face Segments Face Painted
Segment Face Gets His Face Painted
Face Segments Fishing
Segment Face Goes Fishing
Face Segments Falling Leaves
Segment Face Has a Leaf for a Nose
Face Segments Hiccups
Segment Face Has Hiccups
Face Segments Bubbles
Segment Face Loves Bubbles
Face Segments Wintertime Snow
Face Segments Wintertime Snowman
Segment Face Loves Wintertime
Face Segments Bird Sounds
Segment Face Makes Bird Sounds
Face Segments Goodbye in Many Different Faces Happy
Face Segments Goodbye in Many Different Faces Sad
Segment Face Makes Many Different Faces
Face Segments Long Goodbye
Segment Face Says a Long Goodbye
Face Segments Alphabet Song
Segment Face Sings the Alphabet Song
Face Segments Goodbye Song
Segment Face Sings the Goodbye Song
Face Segments Yes No Opera Yes
Face Segments Yes No Opera No
Segment Face Sings the Yes No Opera
Face Segments Take a Nap
Segment Face Snores On
Face Segments Fruit Jokes Orange
Face Segments Fruit Jokes Grape
Face Segments Fruit Jokes Banana
Segment Face Tells Fruit Jokes
Face Segments Clock
Segment Face the Clock
Face Segments Lion
Segment Face the Lion
Face Segments Monster
Segment Face the Monster
Face Segments Pirate
Segment Face the Pirate
Face Segments Robot
Segment Face the Robot
Face Segments Superhero
Segment Face the Superhero
Face Segments Different Things Clown
Face Segments Different Things Astronaut
Face Segments Different Things Piece of Wood
Segment Face Turns Into Different Things
Face Segments Parade
Segment Face Watches a Parade
Face Segments Disguise
Segment Face Wears a Disguise