First Monday is an American legal drama television series which aired on CBS during the midseason replacement from January 15 to May 3, 2002. The series centered on the U.S. Supreme Court. It was inspired by the prominent role the Supreme Court played in settling the 2000 presidential election.
- Joe Mantegna as Justice Joseph Novelli
- James Garner as Chief Justice Thomas Brankin
- Charles Durning as Justice Henry Hoskins
- Camille Saviola as Justice Esther Weisenberg
- James McEachin as Justice Jerome Morris
- James Karen as Justice Michael Bancroft
- Gail Strickland as Justice Deborah Szwark
- Stephen Markle as Justice Theodore Snow
- Lyman Ward as Justice Brian Chandler
- Hedy Burress as Ellie Pearson
- Randy Vasquez as Miguel Mora
- Joe Flanigan as Julian Lodge
- Christopher Wiehl as Jerry Klein