Detentionaire is a Canadian mystery thriller animated series produced by Nelvana and aired on Teletoon from September 12, 2011, to January 29, 2015, for total of 53 episodes, spanning 4 seasons. It was created by Daniel Bryan Franklin and Charles Johnston and produced by Tracey Dodokin. It currently airs reruns on Boomerang, Disney XD and Télétoon in Canada. It also aired on Pop Max in the United Kingdom.
The story revolves around high school student Lee Ping, a teenager who on his first day of 10th grade is framed for a major prank and punished with a full year of detention. Every day with the help of his friends, Lee sneaks out of detention to try to find who was really behind the prank, all while trying to avoid being caught by the school's principal, Barrage. In his quest to clear his name, Lee uncovers a conspiracy within the school that is tied to his family.
- Jonathan Tan as Lee Ping
- Fabrizio "Fab" Filippo as Camillio "Cam" Martinez
- Ryan Belleville as Holger Holgaart
- Zachary Bennett ad Bifford "Biffy" T. Goldstein
- Seán Cullen as Principal General Wendell Barrage
- Krystal Meadows as Tina Kwee
- Melanie Leishman as Brandy Silver
- David Berni as Chaz Monarainian
- Stacey DePass as Jenny Jerkins