Conviction was a television drama series from NBC that premiered in March, 2006. It focused on a group of young, up-and-coming Assistant District Attorneys. The series took place in the same continuity as the other Law & Order series created by Dick Wolf, but focused more on the lives of the characters, unlike the other crime- and trial-based series, so its title did not include "Law & Order".
Main Cast and Characters[]
Image | Actor | Character |
Stephanie March | Bureau Chief Alexandra Cabot | |
Anson Mount | Deputy Bureau Chief Jim Steele | |
Eric Balfour | Assistant District Attorney Brian Peluso | |
J. August Richards | Assistant District Attorney Billy Desmond | |
Milena Govich | Assistant District Attorney Jessica Rossi | |
Julianne Nicholson | Assistant District Attorney Christina Finn | |
Jordan Bridges | Assistant District Attorney Nick Potter |
Season 1 (13 episodes)[]
Image | Episode | Title | Airdate |
1.01 (#1) | "Pilot" | March 3, 2006 | |
1.02 (#2) | "Denial" | March 10, 2006 | |
1.03 (#3) | "Breakup" | March 17, 2006 | |
1.04 (#4) | "Indebted" | March 24, 2006 | |
1.05 (#5) | "Savasana" | March 31, 2006 | |
1.06 (#6) | "Madness" | April 7, 2006 | |
1.07 (#7) | "True Love" | April 11, 2006 | |
1.08 (#8) | "Downhill" | April 14, 2006 | |
1.09 (#9) | "The Wall" | April 28, 2006 | |
1.10 (#10) | "Deliverance" | May 5, 2006 | |
1.11 (#11) | "Indiscretion" | May 12, 2006 | |
1.12 (#12) | "180.80" | May 19, 2006 | |
1.13 (#13) | "Hostage" | May 19, 2006 |
Image | Season | Episodes | Originally aired (U.S. dates) | |
Season premiere | Season finale | |||
Season 1 | 13 | March 3, 2006 | May 19, 2006 |