CSI: Vegas is an American crime television series that debuted on CBS on October 6, 2021. It is a sequel to the long-running series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, and the fifth series in the CSI franchise. The series stars William Petersen and Jorja Fox as Gil Grissom and Sara Sidle, reprising their roles from CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, while Paula Newsome, Matt Lauria, Mel Rodriguez, and Mandeep Dhillon portray new characters. Wallace Langham and Paul Guilfoyle also reprise their roles as David Hodges and Jim Brass, being credited as guest stars. Originally branded as a epilogue limited series, a second season was ordered in December 2021, without Petersen returning. The first season contained ten episodes.
- Paula Newsome
- Matt Lauria
- Mandeep Dhillon
- Mel Rodriguez
- Jorja Fox
- William Petersen