Ace Ventura: Pet Detective is an American-Canadian animated television series based on the film of the same name. The series was produced by Morgan Creek Productions, Funbag Animation Studios, Nelvana Limited, for the first two seasons and Odyssey Entertainment for the third and final season. It aired for two seasons from 1995 to 1997 on CBS. A third season and reruns of previous episodes aired on Nickelodeon from 1999 to 2000. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective was one of three animated series based on Jim Carrey movies premiering in the same year; the others are the 1995–1997 The Mask: Animated Series, and the 1995–1996 Dumb and Dumber series.
Voice cast[]
- Michael Hall as Ace Ventura
- Richard Binsley as Spike
- Vince Corazza as Mr. Schickadance
- Pam Hyatt as Atrocia Odora
- Bruce Tubbe as Emilio
- Al Waxman as Aguado
- Harvey Atkin as Phatteus Lardus
- Rob Paulsen as Stanley Ipkiss / The Mask